Not allowed to cook in summer

I have had a lot of issues with my health for as long as I can remember.

My diet has to be extremely strict and highly regulated or else I am non-functional. This is a challenge when you have a busy life and try to live on pre-made convenient foods. However it turns out that things get even more difficult when you don’t have the ability to cook for yourself. Recently, I noticed that our energy bills were getting way too high throughout the summer. I couldn’t figure out why our air conditioning system was using so much extra energy until I realized that I had been filling the home with a lot of extra heat. In fact, roughly three times a day I was counteracting the powerful air conditioning unit by turning up a bunch of heat in the kitchen to prepare my meals. Every time I turned on the stove or oven I was pumping warm air into our temperature controlled environment. This was causing the thermostat which was located nearby the stove to turn on the AC unit and turn up the air conditioning power. Over and over again, I was shooting the cooling system in the foot with my attempts to eat healthily. Now, I have developed a new rule for myself… I only eat cold, raw foods in the summertime so that our Central heating, cooling, and air quality control system is not being overworked. In the winter I can cook all of the warm delights that I crave, because my kitchen efforts will actually be assisting the forced air furnace in keeping our home toasty warm. But until the temperature drops outside, I am not going to be pumping heat into our carefully climate-controlled home.


whole home heating

An electrical storm knocked out my air conditioner

I’ve been waiting forever to get my air conditioning fixed! It is the middle of June and my HVAC system went out on me completely without any warning whatsoever.

It all started yesterday afternoon when there was a freak severe thunderstorm. It just kind of rolled up and roared overhead, dumping a bunch of rain and causing power outages and ultimately electrical issues in my home. The wiring for my air conditioner, in particular, was damaged. I take good care of my HVAC system and have maintenance done on it on the regular, but this was something that I could not have foreseen. Perhaps if I had signed up for an emergency HVAC service plan, then I wouldn’t have much to fear about how much it’s going to cost me to get this fixed. I’ve been told by my HVAC provider that regular maintenance and emergency visit plans were available, but I had decided that it was not within my budget to spend the extra money on a monthly basis. Now I will be charged full price for this unforeseen catastrophe! That may be rough, but at least I know that I can rely on my HVAC company to take care of the problem in an effective and professional manner. I have already made the call and the technician will be out in two days. He apologized for the delay, citing that there were similar problems around town caused by the storm. I guess I’ll just have to rely on my trusty fans to get me through the night in the meantime. Good thing my other electronics devices still work!

more about hvac

Visiting my grandparents only to discover their furnace was broken

I went to visit my grandparents recently.

They live back in my hometown.

I grew up in the north where the winters are brutal and it’s pretty much cold for about eight months out of the year. My grandparents have been used to this sort of climate pretty much their whole life. Anyway, it was just before Christmas when I came to visit them. Mom would also stop in to say hello a few times while I was there. When I stepped through the threshold of their doorway, the last thing that I expected to discover was that it was freezing inside. I thought that it would be nice and toasty inside, and there would be something bubbling on the stove for dinner just like all the times I visited during the winter growing up. Both Grandma and Grandpa were bundled up in several layers of clothing. When Grandpa shook my hand it was freezing cold and covered in grease. He had been slaving away in an attempt to get the furnace to work. Grandpa was always a handyman, but this seems like a job that was beyond his expertise. Grandma mentioned that he had been stubborn about calling an HVAC technician. Now with both me and Grandma urging him, he finally decided to make the call. Grandpa comes from a time when a man knew how to work with his hands, and admitting that he didn’t have what it took to fix his own furnace hurt his pride. However, we desperately needed heat, so I was thankful that the HVAC technician was coming out the following afternoon. In the meantime, we had to use space heaters in the bedrooms and keep the fire going in the fireplace in the living room. Still, there was a certain feeling of coziness and nostalgia to that first evening spent with my dear grandparents.


Air conditioner tune-up

Indoor air cleaning systems can help improve your business

I have a small clothing boutique in our downtown district and it is honestly the best experience I’ve ever had.

Owning a business is a ton of work, but it can be incredibly rewarding too. There are some things that are not as fun for me to do, such as improving the air quality. Of course having a good air conditioner and heating system is important for both employees and clients, but it’s a lot to keep up with. I have borderline weekly service schedules with my hvac technician to clean everything and make sure it’s running properly. I am a bit paranoid about it since my air conditioner broke down three times during my first two months of business. Lately we have been paying close attention to our indoor air cleaning system since pollen season has arrived. One of my best employees has horrible allergies and claimed that the pollen was getting inside of the store, so we are improving the air quality cleaning system so that she can feel comfortable. Having high quality indoor air is an essential part of business anyway, so why not invest in it a bit more! Even though it’s expensive and can be tedious, I will always prioritize my hvac system. I’m thinking of expanding my store into a second location in a historic district about twenty minutes away. I’m not sure what the logistics would look like to even begin the process, so I don’t know what my first step will be. I’m sure it will all work the way it’s supposed to though.

energy saving help

My college installed new heating units in our dorms

I decided to go to college in a state up North which was very far away from my childhood home.

I was ready for a big change after my sister passed away.

Life simply didn’t feel the same. I enjoyed the different environment when I went to college and quickly adapted to the pace of my school schedule. I sort of felt like life halted when the housing department announced they were installing new heating units in the dorm rooms. It was beginning to snow and the heating installations were going to take roughly two days to be done. They didn’t make any arrangements for us to have anywhere to go while they were installing the new heaters, so I ended up staying with a new friend that lived on the opposite side of campus. Her dorm room had an amazing heater and it felt really cozy. I was so mesmerized by the change of scenery and heater that I honestly felt like I was in a trance for two days. By the time I returned to my dorm room and the new heater they installed, nothing really felt the same. I felt like everything was stale, and the new heater didn’t even work that well. I stood in the middle of my dorm staring at this heater to figure out how I was feeling. I realized that my friend’s room really reminded me of my sister, and found myself in a deep sorrow mourning over her loss. There’s a chance that I didn’t process her death as well as I could have, so I guess grief was knocking on the door in a mysterious way.


Swapping the A/C filter in your window air conditioner

My sister has really bad allergies and sinus problems. One year I had to throw out all of my perfumes because they were irritating her even though they were in my bedroom. When she moved into an apartment during her third year of college, it was a big deal because the only apartment she could find had window air conditioner units. It’s not that she is bougie and won’t accept anything less than an HVAC, but rather window A/C units don’t have great air filters. Central HVACs have air filters that are bigger and more innately designed to filter out particulate matter. The air filters for window air conditioners are basically sponges and don’t do a good job at filtering out much from the outdoors. My parents were so concerned about what this would do to her sinuses, so they purchased air purifiers for every room in the apartment. They even put air purifiers in her roommate’s room to make sure the entire place was filtered. Even though they don’t work super efficiently, it’s important for her to regularly swap out the air filters in the window a/c units so that they don’t clog up. A clogged a/c unit can cause it to overwork and lead to a blow out. Her new apartment has been great other than that, and she really enjoys her roommate. They have been living together for over a year now and they seem to really get along. I love when I go to visit because I think her roommate is cool and I think she has a crush on me.



a/c serviceman

Always test a new HVAC before the technician leaves

I felt really bad for him, so I offered to send him home with some food

My sister and I decided to move in together this year. When we moved in we knew we had to make some necessary changes. I personally noticed that our air conditioner was sounding a little funny, so I called a local technician to come and check it out. He basically said that it was time to replace the entire HVAC, and we were honestly not ready to make that expense. We knew we needed an air conditioner for the summer, so we sucked it up and figured it out. We scheduled for the technician to come back the following week to install the new HVAC. After he finished the installation, he got taken away on a phone call before the system was completely up and running again. I thought that it was weird for him to leave before ensuring the air conditioning was working properly after doing all of that work to install it. After about an hour, the air conditioner still wasn’t working so we called the technician again. He came back and realized that he had forgotten to turn on an electrical plug. He acted really strange when he came back and didn’t really apologize for leaving so abruptly or making the mistake that led us to think the equipment we just purchased and installed was faulty. I asked him if he was okay, and he said that he had just gotten news that his mom was in the hospital. I felt really bad for him, so I offered to send him home with some food. I know how hard it can be to eat when you are feeling sad.


Air conditioner service

Hybrid HVAC systems are the best environmental solution

I recently moved to an area of the country that experiences all four seasons and it’s really a great change of pace.

Since I now experience different types of weather throughout the year, I’m happy that my home has a hybrid HVAC system. I had only ever experienced a furnace central heating system before, so this was a little different for me. A hybrid HVAC system provides two different parts where one heats and the other cools. I thought this was so revolutionary because the parts work together to make heating and cooling simple. What I loved most about this system is how environmentally friendly it is! Not only does a hybrid hvac system cost less in greenhouse emissions, but it also lasts a really long time. You can even expect a lower energy bill with a hybrid hvac. Since I don’t use the furnace portion as often, the heat pump requires a bit more maintenance throughout the year. However, hybrid hvac maintenance doesn’t really cost as much as I thought it would, so it’s an overall great option for savings. I think the environmental agency should recommend this type of hvac system to most homes to help reduce emissions and reduce the impact of climate change. There are so many steps that we can all take to do our part, but I think the issue is that people don’t have the education to know what is possible for them. If everyone changed one or two things that they use in their daily lives, that could make a huge difference.

more information on air conditioning

Local contractors have really great marketing strategies

I’ve always noticed that local contractors in my area have the best marketing strategies.

It’s so easy to identify a heating and cooling company.

Most technicians drive branded trucks and vans so you can always spot them on the road or when they are working in your neighborhood. They also pretty much always wear branded shirts so even if you see them in the coffee shop, you know exactly what heating and cooling company they work for. I was online the other day and started to receive ads for heating and cooling companies in my local area, so it’s great to see them getting into the digital advertising space as well! Some of the old school technicians stick with printing ads, such as newspapers, magazines, and even bus ads. Regardless of the type, I definitely feel like contractors know exactly how to market their business. Anytime I need an A/C repair, it’s not very difficult for me to find a qualified professional! The last time I needed help, I actually ran into a contractor at the grocery store who offered me a free consultation on the spot. It’s great to connect with people in your neighborhood like that. You never really know what kind of information or discount you may get in return. It turned out this guy’s daughter goes to the same school as my son, so we got them together for a play date. Next thing you know, he and I are on a date! We are now dating and our kids have so much fun playing together. It’s crazy how things come together like that.



heat pump

Might be a bit obsessed with saving on HVAC cooling costs

I have this weird habit of really getting into something that I might have taken completely for granted the week before.

It has to be annoying to live with.

And my wife is a saint anyway for partnering up with me in this life. However, when it came to saving on HVAC cooling, I was interested only in that I hated what I was paying for central air conditioning in my home. But that was the key element that finally got me off my rump and proactive. For years, I’ve lived right here where the summer is a blast furnace of heat. It’s intense heat and you sure don’t want to be eating a sandwich at high noon in this sort of heat in August. But I have to say that I’m finding such satisfaction enjoying my sandwich inside the HVAC cooling of my house. And that’s because I didn’t have to turn on any sort of heat to make it. This is how far I have come in just a few years of going after air conditioning savings. I hang out my laundry during the day instead of heating up the house or burning up the energy to run the dryer. Not only do I get the air conditioning tune up in the spring from the HVAC technician, I have gone deeper. Of course, I’m also doing the basics like sealing up my house really tight. And I make sure the shades are pulled on the side of the house that gets the direct sunlight heating. But then there’s stuff like cooking our proteins on the grill so it doesn’t heat up the house. There are so many ways to save!

HVAC products for sale