Clearing brush for solar panels

They came out and took a look at our current HVAC set up before reassuring us that the furnace and AC can easily be switched to solar power

I’m so glad that I’ve finally been able to move out of cramped and crappy apartment units to live in a real home with my husband and our pets. For 6 years I resided in small, shared apartment spaces which were less than comfortable and didn’t allow for me to make any modifications to my living space. I hated having people on all sides of me at all times, and it was truly unfortunate to have no semblance of a yard for me and the dogs. Now we have a bit of property and a home to modify to our own liking, and the possibilities seem endless. One of the first things we’re doing is change the HVAC power source to solar energy, as soon as possible. I’ve been researching solar panels for private residences for some time and knew that you could switch your heating and cooling units to be powered exclusively by free solar energy, and just found a local company to perform the service. They came out and took a look at our current HVAC set up before reassuring us that the furnace and AC can easily be switched to solar power. The solar panels are capable of collecting enough light to power our entire home, and store excess energy for cloudy days so that your thermostat is never affected by the weather. The only thing left to do is to clear some trees on our property so that sunlight can reach our new solar panel bed, and our HVAC will be running on green energy in no time at all!


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