He used to work for an HVAC company that was going out of business and wanted to get rid of their HVAC equipment
I live in a really bad area of town. I don’t like living here, but it’s all that I can afford at the moment. I just graduated from college and I am still looking for a real job. I currently work at a restaurant and it pays the bills, but I still can’t afford to live in a nicer part of town. Last week I was coming home from work and I noticed that my neighbor had a sign on the side of the road that said HVAC equipment for sale. My first thought was that all the HVAC equipment he was trying to sell was stolen. Like I said this is a pretty bad area of town and it wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened in our neighborhood. So, I went over to his house to see if I could get some more information on the HVAC equipment that he was trying to sell. I spoke with him for a while and it turns out the HVAC equipment wasn’t stolen at all. He used to work for an HVAC company that was going out of business and wanted to get rid of their HVAC equipment. I felt bad for judging my neighbor, but I think you would have too if you knew this area of town. I didn’t purchase one of the HVAC units from him, but I am going to make sure that I tell my friends incase they are looking to get a new HVAC system.