Space furnace leads to apartment fire

I’m sure that you have heard horror stories about people leaving their space heaters on and their apartment catching on fire.

This happened to one of my friends when I was younger.

They left their space furnace on when they went to college and the entire apartment burned to the ground; Luckily there was nobody inside, however unfortunately they did lose their pet gecko. I was so sad about the gecko because I had a genuinely strong connection with the lizard. The space furnace fire was an eye-opener for a lot of us, and our family talked to us about space furnace safety many times after this incident. If it were to happen to us, we have an escape plan. I hope that I never have to deal with a space furnace fire in my home.I don’t like to keep space heaters on in my apartment at all however unfortunately we do not have central heating in the apartment that I live in. When I was younger I remember my friend’s Dad being so frustrated because their entire apartment burned down with all of their belongings. I’ll because of a space furnace fired, they had nothing. I am so cheerful that I grew up with a family and a apartment that had central heating so we didn’t have to worry about space heaters to heat our home.

gas fireplace

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