I can help humans but I leave it up to an HVAC professional to help my HVAC system

I became a doctor because I feel as if humans are the only thing I can help or fix. I like being a doctor because humans can talk to me. They can tell me how they are feeling and their symptoms. It is usually pretty easy to diagnose a patient with something. However, I do not feel the same way with other things. These other things include animals and technology. I can get a little feedback from animals but not much. They do not talk and tell you exactly how they are feeling. You pretty much have to guess. With technology, you just never know if you are doing anything right. You don’t even know if you are going in the right direction. With these types of things, I feel as if you never know whether you are actually going to fix the problem. You need to know exactly how to fix every problem. This is how I am with my HVAC system. When something goes wrong, I have no idea what to tell the HVAC technician. I am not technologically advanced. I do not want him to take advantage of me either for not knowing anything. Anyway, whenever I have a problem I do call an HVAC company. This is easiest for me because I know he will take care of the problem. It is his job to do it. Just like it is my job to be a doctor. I am able to trust in him that he can fix my HVAC system. If you do not trust someone with this maybe reconsider and call someone else. Leave it up to some who it is their job to do this as well.


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