No one in my hometown ever considered putting in air conditioning

I have lived the majority of my life down in the Southeastern portion of the country, and therefore I kind of consider myself a southerner.

it’s not 100% true, though. I was actually born way up in the Northeast in a very small town. Since I have lived in the southeast, I have never been without air conditioning. With the exception of when I first moved here as a young child with my Family, every place I have ever lived has had Central Heating and cooling. In fact, I would venture to say that if I had to give up my air conditioning, I would not live in this part of the country. It is hot and humid almost the entire year. I would guess that I use my air conditioner at least 10 months of the year most years. Anyway, it’s funny how things change, isn’t it? Although I have lived most of my life in the south, I spent my first years up in the Northeast where no one would have ever considered putting in air conditioning. granted, back in those days Heating and Cooling was not as common as it is now. Well, we did have a good heating system. It was a furnace with radiators and so forth, and everyone did have a good furnace because it got extremely cold where we lived. It did not stay cold for 10 months of the year, but when it got cold it got very cold. anyway, air conditioning was not common, and no one in my hometown would have ever considered putting it in. Now that Central Heating and Cooling is the norm for just about every home in this country, of course they will have air conditioning. but back then, not so much. It’s amazing how much things can change in one person’s lifetime.

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