The best way to learn how to do something well is to start by doing it and making mistakes.
This means don’t expect to be awesome at something the first time you do it.
Success comes from failure. So, when you do something wrong, it helps you figure out how to do it right. Nothing is a substitute for experience. It doesn’t matter the industry you’re in, or even when it comes to a hobby, you just have to do it, enjoy learning, and hope to get better over time. As for technical precision, like air conditioning repair, it can be expensive to do something wrong. If you are learning how to hammer nails into wood, you can practice all morning. However, fixing the circuit boards of a smart control unit needs extra care. Heating and Air Conditioning devices are usually delicate, and expensive, so the best way to learn these skills is to watch carefully and take all notes. When Ann’s senior Heating and Air Conditioning specialist is showing her how to do something, she will often whip out her tablet and video the entire process. This way she can rewatch it later, to make sure she understands every part of the process for fixing that Heating and Air Conditioning component. One bad move on her part can cost the customer, or the Heating and Air Conditioning company, hundreds or thousands of dollars. This is why being cautious is essential. At her cabin, and on the weekend, Ann does have old HVACs she got from the village dump, and she can practice on those all she wants.