My buddies seemed to be convinced that I could install an HVAC

My buddies told me they were sure that I could install my own HVAC system.

I was very nervous about trying to do such a thing.

I definitely worried a lot about the electrical connections, because I wondered if I could be electrocuted. My buddies told me I was being paranoid because all we had to do was make sure the power was shut off while hooking up the connections. Of course, I was no HVAC professional, so this was why I worried. I also wondered if the warranty would be affected with non-professionals handling the HVAC installation. My one buddy who had done this installation before broke it down to me. He said I was right about the warranty. He explained some models of ductless mini splits would automatically have the warranty voided with the installation of a non-professional. However, he said there were also makes and models that offered a limited warranty that covered half as many years, assuming there was regular maintenance done on the HVAC equipment each year. So I ended up going for a DIY ductless mini split that included the limited warranty, so long as the install was done correctly according to the directions. We made sure to cover everything carefully. I was very nervous during the electric installs and drilling through my walls, but we managed to complete everything. Thankfully, my warranty is intact and the HVAC system works great. I’ll be keeping up with my regular inspections and tune-ups too! Honestly, I don’t want to have any issues with my warranty, in case my HVAC decides to give out on me during the first 5 years of use.


heating maintenance

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