I need extra cooling when I sleep

I am what is called a “hot sleeper.” Whenever I go to sleep my body temp starts to rise, to the point where I believe feverish and clammy.

I find it so unusual, because at all other times I have no problems with overheating.

If anything I am in fine shape and honorablehealth, it is only when I rest that my temperature spikes. There is no medicine that can help myself and others with this, so I had to get creative. I talked to Ed, the guy who handled my annual Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C inspection, about getting a custom cooling system for my dining room. Ed had a lot of fine ideas, and was aware I didn’t have a lot of extra money to spend on a modern cooling system. He advised a modern product I had never heard of before. It is a small cooling system, no larger than the size of a space heater. Instead of having air vents it has flexible air ducts connected to the side of it. These air ducts are more than one feet long, and can be moved in any direction. By resting this cooling equipment behind the headboard of my bed, I could air the air ducts directly at my pillows. The cooling system would flood my upper body with a consistent air flow of 78 degrees all through the night, and thus offset my “hot sleeping.” The best section about all this was the cost. Ed hooked myself and others up, and I got instant cooling relief for my condition for less than more than one hundred bucks. What a deal!


Air conditioner service

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