I couldn't believe I needed a new furnace.

I was furiously looking for the paperwork that came with my furnace.

I wanted to know when I bought it.

I had my annual inspection two weeks previously and the HVAC technician told me I needed a new furnace. I thought I had bought it less than ten years ago. They said the furnace would last fifteen to twenty years, and it was already in a condition that it needed to be replaced. I was aware my warranty had lapsed long ago, but I had kept a maintenance and repair plan since I bought the furnace. I called the HVAC company and asked them if they had a date when th‌ey installed my furnace? The receptionist said she would go through the archived files and call me back. In the meantime, I was looking for the paperwork. I found a small cupboard in the furnace room and knew I would find all the paperwork there. It was the same cupboard where we kept the extra air filters. I sat down and put my head in my hands and groaned. It was fifteen years and two weeks since I had purchased the furnace/ I was hoping the HVAC technician was wrong about needing to replace the furnace, but it was in that time period when replacement could be necessary. I called the HVAC company and told them I had found my paperwork and asked when we could discuss the new furnace. It took a lot of work to convince myself that I wasn’t just wrong, but I also had to buy a furnace, so I was glad the HVAC technician wouldn’t be there for a week.

Air conditioning maintenance

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