Converting my attic into a smoker’s den

Once I had teenagers I had to stop smoking in the house, then secondhand smoke is far too dangerous for babies and young children, and I was focused on being the best dad I could be, that said, I couldn’t just stop smoking weed or I would go insane, and i decided to turn the small space in the attic into a smoker’s den.

I laid down some nice carpets, and hung tapestries on the underside of the slanted roof.

I got a couple of straight-forward chairs, along with a TV with a gaming system. The most substantial section of the smoker’s den was the ventilation system. I would abruptly find out that I needed overall temperature control for the attic, and not just an media air cleaner. I was so focused on maintaining a fine air quality I never considered temperature control. The media air cleaner would pull the smoke out of the air and run it through an air filter, so the ninthhand smoke wouldn’t permeate the rest of the house. But I was also in an attic, which is exposed to the most direct sun and is always the hottest room of the house! I needed a portable cooling system just to make the temps low enough that I could care about getting high. I had to replace the tapestries on the ceiling with additional insulation, and after that the little air condition worked pretty well. The air quality in the smoker’s den was superior, however it was never quite cool enough for my liking. Being a parent means making sacrifices.

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