Let me show you what I’m talking about.

After calling the HVAC company about an odd noise in the AC unit, I had to wait a couple of days before they could arrive.

  • As long as I still had air conditioning, it wasn’t an emergency.

Over the next three days, I hadn’t heard the noise again. I tried to emulate it again, and nothing happened. As if someone had said it in my head, I knew what had happened. I had tried to change the thermostat to make it less cool in the house. That’s when I heard the grumble. Two days later, the HVAC technician arrived at the house. He went out back and waited for the air conditioning unit to turn on so he could hear the noise I was referring to. After ten minutes, I heard him talking about how he was wasting his time because there was nothing wrong with the air conditioning unit. He came and told me he heard no noises. I asked him to let me show him what I was talking about. I walked over to the thermostat and turned the temperature up to seventy-five. Immediately, the grumbling began. He told me it sounded like the fan was trying to slow down and not blow more cooled air into the house. He had never heard such a noise and asked if he could contact the lead HVAC technician and have him come to my house. He wanted him to hear this odd noise that came from the air conditioning unit. I waited another 24 hours before the lead HVAC tech arrived and found out what was wrong with the AC unit.

hvac tech

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