Going to the Local Contractors Store to Just Window Shop

I want to go look around the big local business to see what latest HVAC technology is in the store and what new creations they have invented with it.

I heard about these new inverter systems that are supposed to be really energy efficient and I want to talk to the HVAC experts about them to see what kind of energy savings they offer.

I also need to look at some vinyl siding to try and find something that would go under the bottom edge of our siding as it is not finished properly and allows a lot of bugs to make nests in the area that is exposed. We may need to buy a new cooling system soon and I want to see what one is the best for our size house. I think the house is 5800 square feet so we need something that can handle cooling a house down of that size. My dad was an HVAC specialist and a house builder and built a monstrous house with an eight car garage. I am staying here for a month to help my stepmom get the place fixed up so that she can sell it down the road and downsize to something more manageable. I am trying to help her with the ductwork in the attic because it is leaking and we are losing a lot of airflow in the attic where the tape has come off of the joints. I am going to crawl up there in the evening with a flashlight and some tape and try to fix all of the bad areas.

HVAC equipment

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