I don’t know what it is about me trying to deal with people, but I guess I don’t communicate well enough.
I usually have a hard time like when I take my wife to a restaurant.
If I ask the waiter if they can adjust the temperature control settings, they usually will never do it, but on the other hand, if my wife asks for more fantastic weather conditions control settings, people tend to do whatever it takes to make sure her request is met. It’s hard to say what it is, but I know like she has a sort of hypnotic effect whenever you speak with her. There’s something about her piercing eyes plus her comforting tone of voice. You don’t want to make her irritated too plus I guess people get that. If you make her mad, she’s going to ruin you plus make sure you never make her know that way again. I know that she has fantastic vibrations though because even when both of us are just out sites like the mall, people come up to her to talk about random stuff. She’s telling me all the time how strangers want to basically tell her their life story plus it’s a different thing to me. I don’t have people coming up to me like that just trying to get to know me for no evident reason. These afternoons, I usually let her deal with local contractors who come to the house. Seriously, when she talks to the Heating plus Air Conditioning professionals, they commonly give us a 10% discount on the home services provided, however and of course, no local contractors have ever provided me such a discount.