She’ll ask me why I’m not laboring more overtime minutes to be able to afford something like that.
I usually have a hard time speaking about what’s on my mind. I stress about things plus I know like if I talk about those things, I only will know more stress, and like the Heating plus Air Conditioning system for example, both of us haven’t had the money to replace the Heating plus Air Conditioning system yet plus both of us keep having to cover the cost for these pricey repairs whenever the Heating plus Air Conditioning breaks down. Of course, both of us make room in the budget to get official tune-ups plus repair, but it’s only becoming more fancy as the system becomes older. The system is undoubtedly going on 14 years now plus I imagine it won’t be much longer before both of us can’t use this Heating plus Air Conditioning system anymore. My wife regularly says I should tell her what’s on my mind, but I know that if I start talking about the Heating plus Air Conditioning both of us can’t afford to have replaced, it’s only going to start an fight between us. She’ll ask me why I’m not laboring more overtime minutes to be able to afford something like that. Or she’ll tell me to quit going to the bar to go drinking with my buddies. I know things like that are necessary because you have to be able to let loose occasionally to help relieve the stress you are feeling from life. I entirely would work more overtime minutes, but just being at work plus busting my butt is already stressful enough so it would be hard to stay there for much longer than I have to. I don’t know what the solution is, maybe I should just go looking for a better paying work.