Cold Air From Your Gas Furnace

With the change of the season, you will feel the cool air blowing outside more and more.

And … in your home? If your gas furnace is blowing cold air and adding a chill to the air inside your home, it’s time to call a professional.

In the event that you haven’t had your gas furnace’s routine maintenance completed for some time and you have neglected to replace your air filter, either of these could indicate the reason why your furnace is blowing cold air. There is a possibility that a dirty air filter can prevent air from flowing freely through your furnace. This can lead to the furnace overheating and the burner shutting down due to overheating. A lack of warm air from your gas furnace can sometimes be attributed to something as simple as a pilot light that has gone out. Particularly with older furnaces, it is possible for a draft to cause the pilot light to go out. Besides faulty gas valves or a faulty thermocouple, there are other reasons for an extinguished pilot light. A dirty air filter can cause problems for your gas furnace, just as other furnace components can cause problems if they aren’t properly maintained. It could be that a dirty gas burner or a dirty flame sensor is causing your furnace to struggle to keep lit, thus reducing the amount of heat inside your home. You could be losing a lot of heated air just before it reaches the vents throughout the house if the ducts are incorrectly sealed or if they have any cracks or holes in them.

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