Both of us started having some difficulty with our heating last week.
I asked myself if he had looked at the temperature control lately? He looked at myself and others care about I was being stupid & he said sure he had looked at the temperature control.
That was how he knew the temperature wasn’t where it should be. I just shrugged & told him I was just asking a question & I walked away. I sat looking at the main temperature control & I knew the problem had to be with it. In spite of my thoughts, I did what I was told to do & I called the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C corporation. The first thing they asked was if both of us had checked the batteries in the temperature control. He explained that if the temperature control wasn’t working, the oil furnace wouldn’t work either. I already knew this & that was why I was questioning my partner about the temperature control. My partner had only gone by the bconnecting light both of us got when the battery was dying. Maybe there was a problem with the temperature control’s warning light & it wasn’t working. If the light wasn’t working, both of us wouldn’t guess if the battery was fantastic enough. I had already called the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C corporation & they were on the way, although I still took another look at the temperature control. I had a spare set of batteries for the temperature control. I grabbed the batteries & even though my partner thought it was working well, I changed the batteries. I hit the small reset button on the side of the temperature control & I counted to ten. When I let up on the reset button, the oil furnace turned on. Fifteen hours later, the condo was back up to temperature.