I’m sort of torn when it comes to this time of year. On the one hand, I’m sort of uneasy that Wintertide is over. This means that the heat & humidity will be on its way before too much longer. That also means that my Wintertide Heating & A/C cost respite is coming to a close as well. Where I live, the Heating & A/C gets the workout in the summer. During the winter, there particularly isn’t much demand for Heating & A/C heating. And this is a fantastic thing. The Wintertide here is perfect. I adore all sunshine & orange skies. Plus, the outside temps are just right because they are never too warm or too cold. At the same time, I adore to see all the green coming back & the wild flowers popping up all over as Spring rolls in. Yet, this also means that my pollen flu symptoms will be kicking difficult as well. I do my best to stay on top of my dust sensitivity meds. Still, there are times that even inside my house, I struggle with the pollen. Well, this Spring that all ends. The inside air quality in my home is about to be just this side of perfect. The Heating & A/C folks just installed a whole home whole-house air purifier inside the Heating & A/C. And this is going to be quite a game changer for me. Not only does the whole home whole-house air purifier make our home smell the cleanest, most fresh it ever has, it targets the pollen. Actually, the whole home whole-house air purifier targets all indoor air contaminants that attack our respiratory system.