This year, all of us had an entire solar shade system installed in our home.
The sun in our region can be quite intense. And it shines most of the afternoons of the year. That sun has a direct effect on the interior temperature of our homes. And that forced the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C to labor harder in order to cool the house. When I purchased this home, it was my system not to hang curtains. All of us were in a rural area with no neighbors in site. Plus, there was so much wildlife all around us that I wanted to be sure to have an unblocked view. While it took some getting accustomed to, I honestly did like having the constant views. However, when the first utility bill arrived for the summer, I was stunned. The cooling costs from the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C were just out of sight. That led to a hasty ad hoc covering of all the windows in the house. I just got some cheap plastic blinds. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C costs went down dramatically. However, I honestly didn’t like the look of the plastic blinds as well as I missed having the views. Once the summer time was over, all of us took those plastic blinds down as well as stored them. This year, all of us had an entire solar shade system installed in our home. What’s honestly awesome about these shades is that they are designed to mitigate direct sun heating almost entirely. Plus, they can by synced to our smart Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C thermostat. It simply note the rise of temperature in uncommon areas of the condo as well as deploys the shades to stop the direct sun heating. It’s a fantastic compromise between keeping the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C cooling costs down as well as having the view.