The two of us are lucky that this isn’t a part of our lives nowadays.
When you live where I do, the heat & humidity are always at the front of everyone’s mind and conversation. It is by far the most cumbersome weather situation that all of us face around here. However, I will take that for sure before I have to deal with a long, freezing Wintertime. Still, there is no getting away from the hot, humid weather that is always a part of our weather. Thankfully, the world has Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling in order to manage the raging heat down here in the southeast. However, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling also allows us to be unconcerned about making sure that all of us are balancing the humidity in our homes and offices. That happens as part of the process as the heat pump cools the house. I’m older, and I can recall what a concern it was to have the effects of all that humidity. My house didn’t have new Heating as well as Air Conditioning when I was a kid. My mom and dad relied on ceiling fans to ward off the heat. However, the ceiling fans and window a/c in the bedrooms did little to nothing to manage the humidity. The result was a perfect environment for mold & mildew tot ake over. I remember our house always having the odor of bleach. My mother was consistently cleaning as well as beating back the mold. The two of us are lucky that this isn’t a part of our lives nowadays. Now, all of us just let the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling do the job of lowering the humidity level so all of us don’t have all that mold climbing up the bathroom walls. I can’t imagine how much job it would have been to do battle with all that mold & mildew at bay back then. Thankfully, I won’t have to ever learn just how much work mom had to do without modern a/c to help her.