Author: Contentwriter

I don’t know why I have always had bad luck with professionals

For a long time, it seemed that I always had bad luck with any professional services. When I would hire plumbers, they would be rude, but they would get the work done at least. When I hired HVAC professionals, it was similar, they would act like they had better things to do and wouldn’t bother […]

I probably should have listened to my wife, but I’m happy that I installed an HVAC

I definitely should have listened to my wife when she told me it was not a good idea to try to fix our HVAC system. She said that I was going to void the warranty. I thought that sounded ridiculous, but she did warn me. She also said I wasn’t an HVAC professional, but I […]

I’ve enjoyed dancing over the years, but these days I mostly just relax

There was a time when I would get into dance competitions amongst friends and rivals. It all started out as fun in the beginning, but it became pretty serious over the years as we all worked on new dance routines and skills. While it was fun dancing wherever we could, even on the streets, it […]