Adding more info on the website really helped

When I made a website for my business, I used a program called front page. At the time, it was one of the latest and greatest ways to create an online website for your business. I was proud of myself for figuring out how to use the program and I managed to come up with something that was pretty nice. I didn’t get a lot of traffic to the website, but I never focused much of my time on advertising either. My wife had big plans for the website and after we got married she wanted to make a ton of changes. I didn’t say no, because I knew that she knew what would work out best. She went to school for marketing and worked for a company that handles search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, and online advertising campaigns. My wife got rid of my old and outdated website and updated the whole look and feel of the site. When she was done, it looked amazing. I thought I did a good job, but she made my front page website look like a child’s finger painting. She added a lot more information to the website which helped us when it came to search engine advertising. The website was heavily optimized to advertise heating and AC repair services. My wife knew exactly what she was doing and she is the reason why we have been so successful. We wouldn’t have a second house, boat, or large RV without all of the hard work and sacrifices she has made to make sure that our heating and AC repair business is a success.


SEO business

This month is my Day to Find a Cool Window Film for my Flat

So it is Sunday and I have another minute or so of labor after that I am off to the beach for a little while to visit my friends who will most likely be down there.

They play paddle ball a few times a week, not the kind of paddle ball with the cheap paddles, these men are professionals and they particularly rip the ball at each other.

The two of us get crowds of people seeing us play volleyball and paddle ball and it helps to supply us more energy when we are out there. I prefer having an audience to perform tricks for. After the beach I’m hitting the apartment window tinting service company in the town center and looking into buying some for my flat. I want something that looks enjoy fog or rain so it gives a natural recognize when I look out the window instead of just a dark tint so I can’t see out so well. I suppose they have a great selection of decorative window films and I suppose that they also offer a special for installing it as well. They are having a sale on it this month and if you buy a set for the whole house they will come and do the replacement for free. This sounds enjoy a deal I can’t refuse and if they are great at installing the window film I may ask them if they can put it on my car windows too, which I would pay for the labor for, of course. There are lots of possibilities in the air today.

Sun Control Window Film Repairs

Windows or new HVAC

We don’t really need to replace either.

My husband and I had a bunch of wedding money come in and we don’t know what to use it for. I am kind of leaning towards changing the windows in our house. I hate that the glass is fogged and gross looking. I feel the windows allow air to leak in and that affects our HVAC system and energy bills. The windows look old and take away from the house too. I also can’t even open them to let in a fresh breeze and help our indoor air quality. My husband is pushing a new HVAC system though. The HVAC unit is around 20 years old and is a central method. The indoor unit takes up so much space in the hallway closet. My husband wants a ductless mini split in every room of the house with a thermostat. We could have zone control and free up that space in the house. Having set temperature zones would be cool. I could have AC in the kitchen while I cook and my husband could enjoy heating in the living room. The two of us don’t even share a room because we have vastly different temperature needs. I know we would enjoy our own unit and thermostat. Both the windows and current HVAC machine work though. We don’t really need to replace either. We just want to. Which one is the priority though? Either upgrade will lower our energy bills. The decor of our house will change quite a bit with the upgrade too. The costs are similar as well.

air vent

Tear down and not allowing any heat

Anyday now my husband and I are going to gut our kitchen.

Demo day is slowly approaching and I am preparing.

We are going to add a plastic sheet in the kitchen to limit the amount of dust. We are only going to use the side kitchen door so no other dirt is tracked through the house. It is our hope to limit the amount of clean up afterwards. We also have talked about closing the vent in the kitchen and getting no HVAC. Since it is winter, that means no heating. I think I can bundle up and tear down a kitchen without heat. I think I can sand and mud without any heater use too. The reason for not allowing any heat is not for money savings. I don’t want my heater to run while there is dust flying around since it will suck it up into the system. Then my ductwork will be totally coated with drywall dust and debris from the tear down. When the project is done and I run my HVAC system, the dust will fly from room to room and dirty all my surfaces. It also will pollute my indoor air quality. It is much smarter to seal everything up, clean and then enjoy the whole home heating effect. Those few tear down days without a heater are going to be tough though. That room is definitely going to get chilly. It is going to make that already horrible job even more unpleasant. That is for sure.



a/c repair

Glad we got a smart thermostat

It was nice picking up my phone, turning on the heater and then going to sleep.

When my husband suggested getting a smart thermostat, I figured I wouldn’t use it. I am not the most technologically savvy person out there. Any new tech item takes me a while to figure out. I also don’t have firm opinions on what the HVAC equipment should be set to. My husband listed all the features a smart thermostat had. I didn’t think any were for me. After he installed the thermostat I realized how often I use it. My favorite feature is that when I walk by, the smart thermostat lights up. It tells me the temperature outside currently, what it is mid afternoon and what it will be at night. If I linger near it, it tells me the indoor temperature. I never realized how curious I was about indoor and outdoor temperatures. I could check everything on my phone, but I chose to stop by my thermostat. I use that feature to decide when I work out, if I want to work outside or plan my day. I don’t change the heating and cooling settings. I will say I do enjoy late at night changing the thermostat from my bed. There have been a few times where I was so cold. It was nice picking up my phone, turning on the heater and then going to sleep. I didn’t really wake myself up or inconvenience myself. I now see why more and more people are going with a smart thermostat. It is convenient, pretty and it does save a lot of energy. The thermostat knows when we are in the house or not.

a/c install

Adjusting when I get up for the weather

When the weather changes I try to get up earlier.

The wintertime promotes laziness.

The weather is cold and icky out anyway, there is no reason to get up. Since I work from home on my computer and it is project based, I can work when I want. I just need to finish a certain amount each day. I can work out, take a long lunch or sleep in if I want to. In the wintertime I choose to stay in my bed and I blame the heater. It is so nice with my heating system blowing warm air on me. I am nestled under thick blankets and totally warm. I have no reason to get out of my comfy nest. I know that when I work out, my outdoor shed will be cold. Even if I think about preheating my space heater, I am getting a cold workout. I also will have nothing to do after work. So again, why would I get up early? When it is summertime, my schedule changes. I try to get up as early as possible. The AC doesn’t soothe me the same way. I also know that the outdoor weather down south gets hotter and hotter. My time for working out in a perfectly cooled space is limited. I need to be working out before 10 am. I need to get my work done quickly so I can be outside. I hate being trapped indoors with the AC blowing on me. I would much rather be in the sunshine and cool off in my swimming pool.


Commercial HVAC for sale

AC Noises

You might wonder why your cooling system is making odd noises; There are numerous reasons for this, however most can be addressed with a basic tune-up, but by not addressing these complications, you could end up spending more than you would have on the component in the first arena.

Here are some common reasons why your cooling system makes noise.

They range from simple noises to more complicated troubles, and among the causes are a faulty control unit, a blocked fan, an cooling system leak, a malfunctioning component, or a destructiond motor. One cause is a faulty control unit. The cause may be electrical or mechanical. The rattling may be continuous or intermittent. An unbalanced control component may be to blame, then if the noise is only intermittent, then it may be a more dire issue. An electrical problem or worn-out fan parts can cause a noisy fan. This is also a sign that your system’s control component is out of balance. If the noise continues, you may need to consider an A/C replacement… Clogged fans are another common culprit! Depending on the cause, this noise may be caused by a failing fan motor or a faulty compressor. Ice accumulates in the a/c idea while in this process, resulting in a buzzing or pulsating sound, but water could also be causing the sound, as well as you should contact a professional as soon as possible to address these causes. In addition to dirty air filters, excess condensation as well as a malfunctioning control component can also be to blame. If you hear the noise, it’s definitely a problem with your cooling system, however you should contact an HVAC specialist to maintenance the issue; Loud noise may indicate a malfunctioning component. The most common reason for an cooling system making noises is a motor out of balance. To stop the sound, you should maintenance the underlying problem. There is a opening that a destructiond fan motor causes whirring noises. The cooling system should be checked by a professional if this noise occurs. If the noise persists after the compressor has been repaired, it may indicate a refrigerant leak.

electric furnace

If everybody’s upset about your freezing office, possibilities are you’re hearing a lot of under-the-breath grumbling as well as comments about working in a meat locker. You should know that putting up with a little grumbling is the least of your troubles. When your employees are uncomfortable, it costs you in all kinds of ways. It may seem care about just an inconvenience, but a freezing office, store, or diner can impact your bottom line before you know it. Complaints about office temperature swings are the most regular grievance expressed by office workers. When people are uncomfortable as well as stuck in a freezing office, they are distracted from their duties, leading to increased mistakes as well as declines in productivity. Since office temperature swings are so noticeable, you may not realize that humidity complications frequently accompany the problem. When the air in your office is too humid, it can lead to dangerous mold growth as well as the spread of airborne contaminants care about bacteria, viruses, as well as other nasty microorganisms that cause illness. Before you know it, half the office will be out sick. If your corporation relies on repeat customers, such as a diner or retail establishment, the comfort level of your space can make or break your business, nobody wants to sit as well as relax with friends in a sweltering cafe or try clothing in an icy boutique. And when those disappointed customers share their experience on social media, your reputation as well as profits will suffer.

Improve Office Comfort


oil furnace

Nowadays, corporation owners have so much to worry about. Most likely, replacing your office A/C is the last thing on your mind. However, if you have experienced troubles with your office a/c all summer, you should upgrade it now rather than wait until Spring. There's a temptation to wait until Spring to deal with your office A/C troubles. However, the truth is that Autumn as well as Wintertide can be the best times to buy a new A/C for your office. If you do not need to decide right away, get an unbiased evaluation of your system. You might not get that from your up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C repair provider since they profit every time your old office A/C unit breaks down. It is in your best interest to get a minute opinion from a reputable a/c company, so you know they have experience with commercial a/c. Installers as well as repairers should do both as a significant area of their business, so you can trust that their advice is not based on self-interest. You can make an informed decision about whether to repair or upgrade your office a/c by consulting the right repair provider. Should you decide that replacing your office a/c is the best option, do not just buy a newer version of the a single you currently have. You'll have to live with this decision for 10 to 20 years! In the fall as well as winter, you have time to research as well as make the right decision. You know how demand affects pricing if you're a corporation owner or supervisor. This is why you will be able to get a better price on a upgradement office A/C unit while in the off-season. Simply put, there is less demand. Suppliers also have available systems that didn't sell over the summer. They are willing to sell at a discount to make room for new models coming out in Spring. You have little option of getting these deals if you wait until May since most people wants to sell you the latest model at top dollar. In time for the first tepid weather, you shall be waiting in line with most people else.

Common Issues in a Cold Office


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Even up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems can consume as much as 30 percent of a building's energy. How can you get them to consume even less energy to reduce your operations expenses? You can control your Heating, Ventilation and A/C method based on real-time demand. If you're looking for ways to trim costs, your Heating, Ventilation and A/C method can be a enjoyable place to start. You can significantly reduce your facility's energy expenses by using more than 2 components of up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems. With VAV boxes or terminal units, your office space can be more comfortable while consuming less energy. Older systems simply pump the entire volume of conditioned air into your home. Modern Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems incorporate VAV boxes, which use controlled dampers to vary air supply to control the temperature within a particular area. Considering underfloor air distribution for new construction is another way to provide customized comfort while reducing costs. Modern Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems use this distribution method to distribute conditioned air under a raised floor instead of overhead ducts. In some cases, fan-powered terminal units as well as ducts may also be used under the floor. Diffusers in the floor supply the air to the occupied space. Lighting sensors may be correct to you if you have been looking for ways to save energy in your facility. Using electronic sensors, these systems detect the presence of people in a room as well as turn the lights on as well as off according to when the space is occupied. With today's building automation technology as well as up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems, these lighting sensors can be integrated with the Heating, Ventilation and A/C method to control heating as well as cooling based on actual occupancy as well as lighting. To get the most out of a up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C system, even brand new systems need to be correctly tested from the start.

Don’t Wait to Upgrade Your Office Heating, Ventilation and A/C

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