I went to the bank and got my account fixed and I am so relieved now, as there had been a few months of concerns with my account but now it is fixed and all is well again.
I am going to write two more articles and then I am doing my little yoga session followed by an hour of meditation in front of a sand timer. I put the hourglass in front of me and sit for an hour while I meditate and watch the sand pass through the glass as I empty my mind over and over. Heating pumps through the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system as I quietly learn patience and quiet my mind, which creates a better life in the end as patience is pretty much needed all of the time in life, and patience helps when doing Heating as well as Air Conditioning component labor when things aren’t going as planned, and it also helps when carrying a heavy heat pump up a bunch of stairs in a building that has no elevator. I have been meditating for about 15 years and I have noticed that I am not only more patient however I am not as irritated as I used to be. My cooling tech neighbor helped me get into meditation while my buddy and I worked at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation doing air duct sales and maintenance for clients in town. Now I do it every day and it is like brushing my teeth with the great habit I got into with meditation and I have my neighbor to thank. If I didn’t do Heating as well as Air Conditioning component labor at that local corporation I may never have started.