Lately, I’ve observed a faint smell in my house.
In the beginning, I thought something was rotting and I scoured the entire house to find wherever it was.
After a thorough deep cleanse of the site, the smell was still there. The more I sat and smelled the smell, the more I realized that my house smelled musty. The closer I got to the air vents, the more it smelled. Again, my mind right away assumed that something was rotting, but within my HVAC duct. I didn’t know how to clean my HVAC duct or what I’d find, so I hired an HVAC supplier to come do it for me. The HVAC professional that showed up observed the smell as well and she got to toil examining and cleaning the HVAC duct. I was surprised when she told me that nothing had died in the HVAC duct, and the smell was just because my HVAC duct needed to be cleaned. I’d never had my HVAC duct cleaned before because I didn’t know they needed maintenance like that. The HVAC professional told me that my HVAC duct needed to be cleaned at least every three to five years and it would make a giant impact on my air quality. I didn’t believe this would be true, but a few hours after she was finished, I observed a big difference. The air felt so much cleaner and the smell was completely gone! I am so cheerful that I had my HVAC duct cleaned consistently by an HVAC professional. I know I won’t forget to do it again.