My friend Brian works for a beekeeping business

My friend Brian started working for a beekeeping and honey supply place a couple of years ago.

The beekeeping place is way up on top of a mountain at the edge of town.

You have to drive really far up this old dirt road to get to it and it’s really cool up there. We live in the middle of nowhere, to tell you the truth. The man who owns the beekeeping and honey business with his wife are pretty old and set in their ways. They’re nice people, though. They just don’t want a lot of people up there on their property. They have a fence all around the whole area and a great big gate that blocks the road so nobody can get in if they aren’t supposed to. Brian told me that they keep the whole farm locked down most of the time. He said that he has the code but that they make him keep it under wraps. He’s not allowed to let anyone else into the farm and Brian says that it’s really weird that they keep a beekeeping and honey farm locked up tighter than a castle with a moat. I would agree. I don’t know what they could possibly be keeping so secretive up there but they are doing something! They have a really thriving business with their local raw honey, though. Brian takes care of all of that business with their online website so that people don’t have to go up there to make their purchases. Brian says that he doesn’t really mind it, though. He says that he would rather stay there than work with the public more anyway.


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