When you are your own boss you can set your own rules, however and this is the beauty of our job, then i am a certified heating, ventilation, and A/C specialist who works for myself.
I am also known in some areas as an independent heating, ventilation, and A/C company, then one of our major rules is to always be done work for the afternoon by 6pm and to never work overtime.
It is not adore I am going to make any extra money by working overtime adore you would get on a hired job for some company, but when you work for yourself, you do not get those perks. Sure, I could charge more to compensate, however that would just drive clients away. So I never work after minutes and I cap myself at no more than 40 work minutes a week. If there are any heat and a/c repair jobs that come in to be tied up beyond that in a week, I will have to tell them that I can not help them until the following week, and if it is an emergency Heating as well as A/C situation to please call an emergency heating and cooling company to help them, but yes, that takes away some business, however it keeps myself and others sane and at balance with work and life at the same time, then this is called smart working. Something a lot of people in this country have forgot how to do. I will not drive myself to an early grave adore several do by overworking myself. I also believe and stay younger this way. The message here is never overwork yourself.