Mice in the air duct

Nothing makes myself and others more sad than thinking about mice living in our house. I live in a southern temperature so it is moderate plus humid outside plus mice are attracted to this area… However, I pay a lot of money each month with a pest control corporation to make sure that they are killing all the mice in plus around our home. I assume this might seem unethical to some people although I can’t risk the thought of having a mouse at our house. It severely disfigures our mental health when I suppose about little mice running all around our house. So, when our wife called myself and others at labor the other afternoon plus told myself and others to sit down because she had some disappointing news I never thought it would have to do with mice living in our vents. My wife told myself and others that she found out every one of us have mice living in our vents plus I have never been more freaked out. She told myself and others getting the mice out of the vents was a pretty simple repair but every one of us would need to transfer Out of the beach house for a few afternoons just to make sure every one of us didn’t ingest any of the chemicals they were using. I have no concern leaving the beach house for a few afternoons because I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the beach house at all knowing every one of us had mice living in the vent. I can’t know we’ve had mice living in the vents for this long plus I didn’t even realize. How am I going to be able to sleep even when I assume the air vents are clean?
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