The only constant in my life had been the amount of stress and exhaustion I felt. It was all I could do to drag myself through each day. And by the end of the week, I had nothing left. I didn’t even want that end of the week glass of wine. There was just no energy left in me so all I wanted to do was sleep. It was clear this was no way to live. But as a single mom who works hard in order to provide, I didn’t see a lot of other options. However, a colleague of mine counseled me a bit and suggested that I take advantage of the corporate wellness program the company we work for provides. Joining a gym wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for. Expending more energy just seemed counter intuitive to me. And I hadn’t held a gym membership in ages. However my colleague pointed out just what a difference going to the health and wellness center had done for her. She too is a single mom and we have similar levels of stress to deal with. But my coworker learned that exercise and nutritional programs were the key to new levels of energy. She convinced me to at least give it a try. Sure enough, I did find that having a workout program and nutritional counseling really added to my energy levels. What I wasn’t expecting was just how much support I got from so many at the gym. There were so many other people attempting to deal with a crowded and stressed life. They made me feel as though I wasn’t alone and that we were all in this together.