Listening to funny songs as well as cooling down

I just spent the past hour as well as a half working on songs online as well as now I have to switch hats as well as start this work.

I’ll have to rest my eyes some because that was some intense screen time working on the songs this day when I woke up.

Most of my energy goes into this band as well as who knows if it is going to go anywhere however you have to try right? We’re just making a whole bunch of songs as well as seeing which ones stick, which is the only way to entirely know which are good. My cooling system is now cooling me down while I do this work for the next few hours in my temperature controlled office where I can work in peace, and music is like a important deep rabbit hole that consumes your whole life if you want it to, which is wonderful with me because it brings me joy. Working on heating as well as cooling systems at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning business can be kind of boring when you’ve done it for so various years like I have, which is where songs comes in. Music brings me hope as well as just makes me feel good, so why not do it all the time? My modern business friend is just as consumed with it as I am while she tries to run the heating supplier as well as keep her band going. I assume eventually I’ll just do the songs thing as well as will have to stop with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech work as well as all the local business stuff so I can make this dream a reality.

hydronic heating

Getting some energy saving tips later

The skies are filling up with fluffy gray clouds, which hopefully won’t last too long so I don’t get rained out later when I am hitting the streets. I assume it is just some passing clouds as well as it should be clear as well as sunny later when my pal and I go out to do our jam. I just got back from the beach as well as I still have this pretty girl’s image in my brain. Maybe I need to go back as well as talk to her because she was alone as well as she is too pretty to ignore. Should I deliver it a shot? My local business friend hits on every woman she sees, something that I don’t like to do when working at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier each day like she does. She just doesn’t love dignity or anything as well as will hit on any woman she wants. I’ve constantly been more reserved when it comes to talking to ladies as well as care about to have a long term relationship than jumping around all the time. I meet ladies in the heating as well as cooling corp all the time although I have a certain taste as well as will keep doing my Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech work there till she walks in the door one day. Hopefully her name is Kat as well as she comes back to me one more time so my pal and I can make a nice life together like I thought my pal and I were going to do! Kat was a cooling worker as well as my pal and I met when I worked for the local business back in the day as well as I am still waiting for her to come back to me, but patience.
Air purification help

Keeping cool with a nice cooling device

I have my little fan on me while I write these stories.

I have a nice fantastic office, which is a far cry from the corporate world I used to work in when I was an engineer, as well as I am so cheerful not to be working in that stuffy environment anymore with all those type A personality engineers as well as bosses.

I can work at my own speed here, in my pajamas if I want, as well as it is so calm as well as fantastic it almost doesn’t feel like I am working at all. I listen to some calm songs while writing Heating as well as Air Conditioning system stories about air con systems as well as gas heating devices. I never would have guessed that I would be working overseas in my own flat in my pajamas without a boss breathing down my neck. I used to be a local business running my own Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier as well as was working so various hours I had no time to do anything else however come home as well as sleep. I would get home some nights, well most nights, at 8:30pm when the sun was down as well as would have zero energy to do anything however eat as well as go to sleep. I would run my cooling system as well as make my room entirely freezing so I could sleep well as well as wake up rested for another day of heating as well as cooling work for the local business I was running. Now I am a songsian in a band over here in Europe making songs as well as having a blast doing so. Chase those dreams while they are heating up.



multi split air conditioning

Bank in an hour for some heating

I am going to the bank soon to sort some stuff out with my account as well as I feel I’ll bring some songs with me while I wait.

It could be a half hour wait till my turn as well as having some nice songs would help the time pass quicker.

I could also bring my tablet as well as do some writing toil while I am there so it isn’t a total waste. I have to spend my money my rent in the next three days as well as need to spend my money it from this account, which I am having trouble with so I need their help, the heating in the bank is entirely nice so it makes it a little nicer when you sit by their heating component as well as stay warm. It won’t be a immense deal doing the bank trip this week, as well as the toughest part is just walking down there from my flat. I saw a sign on the street of a furnace filter for sale by someone as well as I am going to check it out because my HEPA filter in my device is shot as well as needs to be substituted. I don’t know how much money they are asking for the thing however I feel it will be cheaper than buying a new one from the store. The Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier near me has a sale on them too, however I want to take a look at this used one to see what kind of shape it is in as well as if it is a HEPA filter. I am off now to the bank as well as then to check out that filter, see ya.


Central heating

Time for my hot water furnace bath

Jeez, just a month ago I had about $14K with my stock plus today it is worth just $5k. I would never want to be a full time trader as it is way too much stress for me. I don’t know how those clowns on Wall Street do it every day in that busy office where all the people is screaming at the stock prices plus whatnot. I like to keep life straight-forward plus it seems the less money I have the more straight-forward life is. As long as I have the things I need then I am totally satisfied. HVAC cooling plus heating is one thing that I need for happiness, along with a nice quiet flat plus a couple little cats sleeping on an media air cleaner. I was an engineer back 30 years ago however I found it to be too complicated plus lacking fun. Now I am a musician plus work about 15 hours a week, then the rest of the time is spent making new rock n roll plus entertaining people. It is a much more exciting life than toiling for the local supplier making HVAC device in a big factory with no windows. I would come property after a long day of work plus not have any energy left to do anything else however eat supper plus watch TV. I was building heat pumps for big commercial clients plus making media air cleaners for airports plus big buildings. There was a lot of paperwork plus meetings that came with that job plus also a lot of hours each week spent in a locale that rivals a prison.


Keeping my cool toiling on heaters

I am almost done with my workday plus it is only 1:30pm, which means I get more time to meditate plus do yoga.

I also have to go to the fruit rest plus get a bunch of plums plus other fruits.

It will be an straight-forward night too because I will just do a short workout with my friend plus then go watch the sunset on the pier plus relax. Tonight I will legitimately watch some documentary about the sea with my cats plus chill out in my little office. I will be comfortable with my heating component keeping us all sizzling while we snuggle under some blankets beside the media air cleaner. I like to watch things about nature, plus documentaries are cool because I usually learn something from watching them. I sometimes watch infomercials about HVAC device plus hot water heaters, however that can get kind of boring, so I like to put in a nice nature flick sometimes too. Tomorrow is Wednesday plus I need to get to bed early tonight because we will be playing music for a few hours next to the church. The local supplier near the church is going to pay us to do a show in two more weeks, which is nice because they have a fireplace next to the stage heating the performers while they bear their hearts to the audience. It should be a great show plus if it goes well, which it will, they will pay us more plus have us do a show there every week! Life is great plus getting better.
Cooling specialist

Having fun toiling on cooling devices

I went to the bank plus got my account fixed plus I am so relieved now, as there had been a few months of problems with my account but now it is fixed plus all is well again.

I am going to write two more articles plus then I am doing my little yoga session followed by an hour of meditation in front of a sand timer.

I put the hourglass in front of me plus kneel for an hour while I meditate plus watch the sand pass through the glass as I empty my mind over plus over. Heating pumps through the Heating plus Air Conditioning system as I quietly learn patience plus quiet my mind, which creates a better life in the end as patience is pretty much needed all of the time in life, then patience helps when doing Heating plus Air Conditioning component toil when things aren’t going as planned, plus it also helps when carrying a heavy heat pump up a bunch of stairs in a building that has no elevator. I have been meditating for about 15 years plus I have noticed that I am not only more patient however I am not as miserable as I used to be. My cooling tech neighbor helped me get into meditation while we worked at the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier doing HVAC duct sales plus service for clients in town. Now I do it every day plus it is like brushing my teeth with the great habit I got into with meditation plus I have my neighbor to thank. If I didn’t do Heating plus Air Conditioning component toil at that local supplier I may never have started.

Air conditioning repair

Time for my sizzling water heater bath

Jeez, just a month ago I had about $14K with my stock and this week it is worth just $5k.

I would never want to be a full time trader as it is way too much stress for me.

I don’t know how those clowns on Wall Street do it every day in that tied up office where all the people is screaming at the stock prices and whatnot. I like to keep life simple and it seems the less cash I have the more simple life is. As long as I have the things I need then I am totally content. Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling and heating is one thing that I need for happiness, along with a nice quiet flat and a couple little cats sleeping on an air purification system. I was an engineer back 30 years ago however I found it to be too complicated and lacking fun. Now I am a musician and labor about 15 hours a week, then the rest of the time is spent making new music and entertaining people. It is a much more exciting life than working for the local corporation making Heating as well as Air Conditioning component in a large factory with no windows. I would come home after a long day of labor and not have any energy left to do anything else but eat breakfast and watch TV. I was building heat pumps for large commercial clients and making air purification systems for airports and large buildings. There was a lot of paperwork and meetings that came with that job and also a lot of hours each week spent in a location that rivals a prison.

Heating corporation

Keeping my cool working on heating systems

I am almost done with my workday and it is only 1:30pm, which means I get more time to meditate and do yoga.

I also have to go to the fruit kneel and get a bunch of pears and other fruits.

It will be an straight-forward night too because I will just do a short workout with my neighbor and then go watch the sunset on the pier and relax. Tonight I will legitimately watch some documentary about the sea with my cats and chill out in my little office. I will be comfortable with my heating unit keeping us all hot while my buddy and I snuggle under some blankets beside the air purification system. I like to watch things about nature, and documentaries are cool because I usually learn something from watching them. I occasionally watch infomercials about Heating as well as Air Conditioning component and sizzling water heaters, but that can get kind of boring, so I like to put in a great nature flick occasionally too. Tomorrow is Wednesday and I need to get to bed early tonight because my buddy and I will be playing music for a few hours next to the church. The local corporation near the church is going to spend my money us to do a show in two more weeks, which is nice because they have a fireplace next to the period heating the performers while they bear their hearts to the audience. It should be a fantastic show and if it goes well, which it will, they will spend my money us more and have us do a show there every week, however life is fantastic and getting better.

Home services

Bank in an hour for some heating

I am going to the bank soon to sort some stuff out with my account and I guess I’ll bring some songs with me while I wait.

It could be a half hour wait till my turn and having some great music would help the time pass quicker.

I could also bring my ipad and do some writing labor while I am there so it isn’t a total waste. I have to spend my money my rent in the next three afternoons and need to spend my money it from this account, which I am having trouble with so I need their help, however the heating in the bank is legitimately great so it makes it a little nicer when you sit by their heating unit and stay warm. It won’t be a large deal doing the bank trip this week, and the toughest part is just walking down there from my flat. I saw a sign on the street of a boiler filter for sale by someone and I am going to check it out because my HEPA filter in my unit is shot and needs to be replaced. I don’t know how much cash they are asking for the thing however I know it will be cheaper than buying a new one from the store. The Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation near me has a sale on them too, however I want to take a look at this used one to see what kind of shape it is in and if it is a HEPA filter. I am off now to the bank and then to check out that filter, see ya.
Space heater for sale