I just spent the past hour plus a half working on music online plus now I have to switch hats plus beginning this work. I’ll have to rest my eyes some because that was some intense screen time working on the music this morning when I woke up. Most of my energy goes into this band plus who knows if it is going to go someplace but you have to try right? We’re just making a whole bunch of music plus seeing which ones stick, which is the only way to undoubtedly know which are good. My air conditioning system is now cooling me down while I do this work for the next few hours in my weather conditions controlled office where I can work in peace; Music is like a immense deep rabbit hole that consumes your whole life if you want it to, which is great with me because it brings me joy. Working on heating plus cooling systems at the Heating plus A/C company can be kind of boring when you’ve done it for so multiple years like I have, which is where music comes in. Music brings me hope plus just makes me feel good, so why not do it all the time? My new contractor friend is just as consumed with it as I am while he tries to run the heating contractor plus keep his band going. I suppose eventually I’ll just do the music thing plus will have to stop with the Heating plus A/C tech work plus all the local company stuff so I can make this dream a reality.