Purchases when you are older aren’t as fun

I can set specific temperatures in areas that I frequent.

It stinks that as you get older, the more boring stuff you need to buy. When I was young I was all about saving for the next fun thing. I would save for a play station or brand new clothes. I also saved for a motorcycle or a stereo system in my car. Now that I am older, my purchases are less exciting. I recently had to buy a roof for my house. That is a huge expense and not all that fun. I also got stuck buying a brand new HVAC unit. I bought my house and didn’t pay attention to any of the dates. My home inspector informed me the roof was too old to get insurance on and the HVAC unit was going to go at any moment. Roof for insurance or heating and cooling? Well I had to do both. The roof was so much money and totally not worth it. The new HVAC unit I guess was a bit more fun. I got to research all about HVAC equipment. I didn’t just want to buy a central HVAC unit and call it good. I figured out that ductless HVAC was better for my needs. That way I can have zone control and save some money. Unused rooms don’t need to have heating and cooling this way. I can set specific temperatures in areas that I frequent. I can also do timed programs so the HVAC shuts off when I leave for the gym. That is fun I guess. But the actual system isn’t that cool looking. I spent a whale lot for an ugly, gray box.

Cooling and heating business

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