I was given $100K many month ago plus now it is down to a whopping $12K from poor choices with trading stocks plus just a big downturn in the market.
Most of it was not my fault as the whole world is seeing the pain of inflation plus whatnot so I can’t totally blame myself.
But I should have listened to my mom when she said to just drop it in the bank where it will be safe. I didn’t tell anyone about losing so much money because they would truly just scorn me or assume sorry for me. My air conditioner plus heating supplier I labor for luckily keeps me afloat each month with a enjoyable daily workload. Hopefully my $12K will turn around one day plus become the $100K it once was, but I think it is going to take some time to get there. But then again, all I got is time. I’ll keep toiling at the local corporation plus hopefully save a little buffer in the bank so I don’t have to touch what’s left of my inheritance. I’ve made some mistakes in life plus have to forgive myself for them or I will end up a bitter plus regretful person, which I promised myself I would not become. I can also do some service calls for our HVAC clients in their homes plus make some extra money if I want to. I easily don’t mind toiling as it gives me a sense of purpose plus keeps my mind sharp. I have the HVAC industry to thank for that.