Surprised to see HVAC unit in the bathroom

When my fiance and I first purchased our dwelling, the two of us couldn’t stop talking about all the plans we had for this dwelling.

We were recently engaged after 5 years of dating and we were talking about our plans for starting the family.

We sincerely did not want to wait, the two of us have been talking for the past 3 years about how the two of us were looking to start a family together and now that the two of us were about to be married the two of us were ready to do that… Having our first beach dwelling was setting the foundation for our future. The two of us were going through the beach dwelling and looking at the walls and deciding where the two of us would hang all of our pictures, where the two of us would place the furniture, and the two of us discussed the ideal spot to set our indoor whole-house air purifier. It wasn’t until the two of us got into the bathroom that the two of us noticed the strangest thing. The heating and AC appliance was installed in the bathroom! The two of us were entirely wondering how in the world this had happened, who would have installed a Heating and Air Conditioning appliance in the bathroom? When the two of us talked to the realtor the two of us had purchased the beach dwelling from, she informed us that apparently the previous owners had some odd habits. She mentioned that the husband had wanted to have the best AC appliance even in the bathroom. Apparently it helped him take it easy while he was doing his business. That would explain the 3 foot high HVAC vents attached on both sides of the wall directly next to the toilet… My fiance and I were sort of weirded out when the two of us discovered this information. As a matter of fact the entire layout of the dwelling was generally strange. The people I was with and I made the decision that the two of us would do some renovations and remodeling to make the dwelling completely more normal. Despite the weirdness the two of us were still pretty happy to have our dwelling.

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