The bad air quality is terrible where I live

I am so much more comfortable in the dwelling when the air quality and temperature are great

I live in a pretty busy area in the city and it’s not only noisy in the streets, however it’s actually smelly from automobile and bus exhaust. I don’t think it is super healthy living on a busy corner where the buses when they take off emit so much smoke you’d think there was an actual fire. I thought it was a pretty amazing flat at first, however I soon realized why the rent was so low, you get what you pay for. It was a two bedroom one bathroom flat in the center of a crucial city for a fairly cheap price. The next thing I noticed besides the exhaust was the fairly old oil furnace and a/c appliance they had in the site. The winters can get actually nippy and those old air conditioning appliances don’t function well so it got entirely cold in the flat at night, cold enough to where I was wearing my sweater to go to sleep at night. In the summers it was even worse, I would have a bunch of fans on me at night blowing even hotter air onto my body. I told my father that’s how you cook a turkey. It’s so much nicer having a new radiant furnace in my living room now and a small wall window air conditioning appliance in the kitchen space. I am so much more comfortable in the dwelling when the air quality and temperature are great. It’s so pressing to be thrilled and comfortable in the dwelling you spend most of your time in. Be fantastic to yourself and have your a/c appliance filters and ducts cleaned too.


a/c care plan

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