If you have several occupants in a home, I request zone control… My partner and I have 4 guys and our mother lives with me, however six people in 1 loft is harshly crowded and lots of opinions are being thrown around, and temperature control is always a hot topic with anyone, and nobody enjoys the same temperature.
My mother is going through menopause and always wants the AC plan on.
My partner is always cold freezing and wants to have the heating system running. My guys all prefer to find reasons to fight and it would be too easy to make the control unit the reason, instead of 1 control unit and a central Heating plus Air Conditioning unit, I went with a ductless model. I have a ductless mini chop with several indoor air handlers in the home, every room in the loft has a unit and control unit. Every 1 of our sons can control their living room control unit the way they want. My mother has his own room where he can crank the AC. My partner can prefer heating in the living room and I will use AC in the living room while I cook. Not only does this promote whole house harmony, however it is fantastic for the utility bills. I am not paying to heat and cool unused rooms. I also save in the Winter time since our mother wants heating and in the summer time because our partner doesn’t want cooling. Everybody is ecstatic and the plan is in fantastic shape, but zoned Heating plus Air Conditioning systems are just so much better and more convenient! A greater household very should always come with it.