COVID has made it taxing for quite a few things plus made other stuff better, going to the vet was regularly taxing on our cat, she would get super scared, mean plus wouldn’t want to go in her carrier.
I now can do virtual vet appointments. My dog can sleep on her bed while I talk to the vet plus do what she wants myself and others to. It is way easier on everyone. My birth control gets sent in the mail rather than myself and others taking a afternoon off work to go to the lady doctor. I can get groceries delivered plus no longer waste our time in the store. A con is that our Heating as well as A/C business still isn’t coming in lady. I can’t really do a virtual Heating as well as A/C consultation. I want our heating plus cooling system cleaned, oiled plus tightened. A lot of Heating as well as A/C companies are still operational. They are just wearing suits, goggles plus sanitizing their tools before plus after the task. I have a local, family run business that is taking a break. The village Heating as well as A/C business is basically out on getaway. My system can’t go that long without a tune up. I think our Heating as well as A/C company believes COVID will blow over plus things will be back to normal. Unblessedly that is not going to happen. I hate contacting their competition plus a bigger company, although I might need to. How long can heating plus cooling equipment run dirty? I don’t want to have a maintenance show up because I didn’t get it cleaned.