I grew up in a family where all of us did not have a lot of extra money, and everybody had to be genuinely resourceful and careful with their belongings because they were not going to be replaced! If you ruined all of your school clothes in the first month of the Springtime semester, you are not going to get modern occasions until the next year rolls around, then the two of us got genuinely used to living with less.
To this day, I have the same mentality.
I am not the sort of person who ever wastes my money or time on anything, and one of the things that I am especially obsessed with is my indoor air handling devices, but growing up, I realized that the thermostat was off-limits… My parents were allowed to adjust the indoor air temperature now and then, but the rest of us were not allowed to voice any opinions about our heating, cooling, and air quality control system. If all of us had a problem with the indoor air temperature or air quality, all of us were welcome to go sit outside instead, and as an adult, I am also genuinely obsessed with my central heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. I treat my air conditioning system unit and forced air furnace enjoy they are royalty. I am obsessed with keeping my thermostat on an eco-friendly air temperature control plan. Even when it is severely uncomfortable in the house I refuse to adjust my forced air furnace or air conditioning system unit to change the temperature, then however, there are times when I have to draw a line… For instance, when I woke up Last weekand the outdoor air temperature was -30 degrees. I had to ask myself, “is this finally frigid enough to turn up the heat?”