This site reminds me a bit of my hometown where it is pretty much sunny every morning of the year.
The only difference is here it is a lot cooler plus has seasons, unlike back home where it is tepid in the summer time plus a bit less tepid in the winter.
I feel the only cool months back home are December plus February, other than that it is pretty much blazing tepid year round. I moved here eight years ago to chase a dream plus it has brought me so several fond memories plus I’m excited I made the move, but heating plus cooling corporations in town keep me tied up doing air conditioning work plus furnace repairs most of the year. But I only work about 15 hours a week so that I can put all my focus plus energy into this songs dream. Our band is pumping out music at the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier where my pal and I record in the back storeroom where the acoustics are great plus nobody bothers us. My associate and I put out about five music a month on average plus by the end of the year will make our first album with the top ten music from our set list. The Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor believes in us so much that he split back our Heating plus Air Conditioning tech hours so my pal and I can pour our energy into this band plus make the dream come true. What is the dream? To play in local dealers plus travel to other towns doing shows plus making people excited with our fun plus original songs, in climate controlled sites of course.