I didn’t know they made air conditioners that small

We knew it was going to be a tight squeeze, but we thought we were prepared for it.

There were eight of us who would be sharing one condo at the beachside for the whole week of spring break.

Accommodations were exclusive and expensive in this area, which is why so many of us decided to stay in one place – it was the only way we could afford to go! Between splitting the rental costs, we would barely have enough money left over for booze and weed. We were prepared for close quarters, and sharing a bathroom, but we were not prepared for a lack of central air conditioning in this condo. The only things they had for temperature control were a series of small space heaters scattered around the house. Heating was not the issue here, cooling was the issue, so how could these heaters help us? We were all pretty upset about it, until finally one of us got the real estate agent on the line, who explained to us that those weren’t space heaters at all. They were cooling units, little air conditioners that were strong enough to cool off one room. If all the little AC units were running at once, then the condo cooled off very nicely. We all felt pretty stupid about it, because once we took a closer look the machines clearly labled as air conditioners. The rest of spring break was a blur, but we all had a great time and the air conditioning in the condo was amazing. Maybe I should get a little AC unit for my house.



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