Before I decided on the right air quality accessory for our home, I did some research.
I wanted to maximize the benefit of our investment.
I was anxious about the health of our family’s living environment. Because of extreme weather just about year round, every one of us rely heavily on the gas furnace as well as the cooling system. The two of us switch from heating to cooling without much of a chop in-between. It’s necessary to insulate, caulk as well as weatherstrip to eliminate energy waste. This creates a tighter thermal envelope, prevents drafts as well as keeps our utility costs as low as possible, however, contaminants become trapped inside, but cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene products, pesticides, pets as well as all sorts of things add to the problem; Dust, dander, unpleasant smells, VOCs, mold spores, bacteria as well as viruses cause health troubles. Headaches, sore throat, difficulty sleeping, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes as well as respiratory infections can often be blamed on the air quality. The two of us also have problems with insufficient humidity in the Winter as well as excessive moisture in the summer. I considered air cleaners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, germicidal UV lights as well as ventilators. I read up on the benefits of each kind as well as chose a ventilator that brings fresh air into the house to replace the stale air. It makes for a cleaner, more great as well as comfortable living space. I opted for a heat reclaimy ventilator that uses the outgoing air to preheat the incoming air. It lessens the workload of the gas furnace, trimming costs while changing reliability as well as component longevity. In the summer, it works to reduce humidity as well as help out the cooling system.