When you really own your home instead of renting, you have multiple possibilities that you could not have otherwise! You can do any renovations or build things onto your property, and also you can choose your own central heating and air conditioning unit, and central heat and cooling system units are something that a homeowner should be able to decide on, if you want the best and most up-to-date central heating and air conditioning method you can buy that and have it installed by your local heat and cooling system business if you really own your home. I recently bought my own home and purchased the best central heating and air conditioning method available on the market today! This central heat and cooling system component is the best around and I spent a lot of money on it. I wanted to have the best in heating and air conditioning. If I had been renting a condo still as I was for the past 20 years I would have been stuck with whatever heating and cooling method the property owner had in their venue, however sometimes I had good heating and cooling and other times the air conditioning and the heating system were exhausting needing to be repaired every few months. But now I no longer have to even deal with things like that because I really own my home! Well, I really do not own it yet, but the mortgage is mine and I can do whatever I want while I am paying off my home over the next 20 to 30 years.