Work was a real hassle last week. I had been planning a lunch party for our fiance Max and the family. It would be the first time Max had met our family since before we had been married. I couldn’t wait to see our parents and brothers. I had all the plans done and all I needed to do was wash and go shopping. Unfortunately, I was so busy at the office that I couldn’t find the time to shop or clean. I woke up on Friday morning in a tizzy over not being ready for our family to arrive. Max woke up an hour later and put his hands on our shoulders. Max said he would help myself and others wash and the people I was with and I could order food online. Max and I could not just have our groceries delivered, however Max could call a pizzeria and have a complete meal, along with salads and appetizers, delivered right to our door. Max looked so hopeful when I smiled. I would not have thought about getting salads online, or even full meals. Max called in our grocery order and had it busy for delivery in two hours. I could have the groceries squared away before anyone arrived. With the help of our fiance Max doing local food delivery of groceries, and ordering our lunch online, I could get the condo totally clean. Between the local food delivery services and ordering food from our local stores, Max and I had little to worry about. It was a fantastic weekend thanks to Max and local food delivery. I couldn’t have made it happen without either of them.