I know the up-to-date club has a cooling appliance vent right above the stage too, so it will make for some more excitement when I pound on the ducts and dust pours out
I was doing standup comedy for a good 15 years on a proper basis but something changed the last couple of years. I was wondering if it had something to do with the lockdown with Covid, or was I just getting too old? I don’t seem to have the motivation I once had to jump on the stage. I called my father and told him about it and he told me to not get complacent or my dreams would certainly slip away. He definitely knows how much I enjoyed doing comedy and was a bit sad when I told him I was losing my touch. I still easily recall the way the musty old a/c odored in the club where I would do a vast majority of my shows. Sometimes, I would tap on the HVAC duct while in my set and a whole bunch of dust would fall onto the stage and everyone would laugh hysterically. I miss connecting with people in such an enjoyable way and have now contacted a couple of clubs about starting a regular show. I can’t just lay at my dwelling every night listening to my a/c appliance turn on and off or I will go mad. My father is certainly right, just take the initiative and transport in the direction of your dreams and they will easily come true. I know the up-to-date club has a cooling appliance vent right above the stage too, so it will make for some more excitement when I pound on the ducts and dust pours out. I hope they have some heating appliance in the Winter time too because it can get super frigid during the night.
space heater