Fresh air quality when it rains

I love going to our local coffee shop, on rainy mornings.

First off, I love the rain! Second off, the air quality in the coffee shop is lovely, you would suppose that a coffee shop would not have such great air quality.

But even though it smells of coffee, cake and other goodies, the air quality is still top notch. When you add the great air quality that we get naturally when it rains, it is simply just heaven. I will spend at least 3 hours there just wonderful and taking in the lovely great air quality on those nice rainy mornings. I will go in there around 7pm and stay until 10 or so right before they close. I will read a book, drink coffee, order a sandwich or cake and sometimes even nap and doze off. They allow that in there because they pride themselves in having such a wonderful atmosphere with lovely air quality. The secret to this is that they have a central heating and air conditioner that has an air purification system within it. It is a similar concept as a whole home air purification system, but it is for commercial buildings and commercial heating and air conditioner units. It is not something that a location that services food and coffee would invest in. But this location did, and I am so glad about that. This is what helps them generate so much business and be as successful as they are.


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