I do believe that date nights keep the fire alive in our hearts

My wife and I have been doing date nights ever since we were first married. We agreed in the very beginning that we wanted to make our marriage work no matter what and we planned to have date nights once per month to keep the love alive. We honestly haven’t had any trouble in that department, we have always been entirely compatible and we don’t fight too often. Well, one of our favorite things to do is go to the movie theatres. It doesn’t necessarily matter what theatre we go to either, they are all nice. So long as the place has great HVAC with excellent temperature control, we’re happy. Of course, some of those movie theatres have the A/C a little too cold. This is why we always bring jackets so that we are not freezing. My wife and I recently decided to get heater inserts for our jackets too. This helps us boost the warmth and we can adjust the temperature control settings as needed. The heater inserts for our jackets keep a charge of 6 hours, so that’s typically plenty of time to cruise the town and just have a relaxing time. We have even been outside dancing around in the snow, and those heater inserts work pretty well to keep us warm. I just wish we knew about them a long time ago, it would have made us so much comfortable at the movie theatres where they really crank the A/C system. It doesn’t matter though, we always had wonderful times over the years.
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