When I had a celebration happening at my place this past weekend, I didn’t expect for 1 of my buddies to get seriously disfigured.
The tunes was pumping, the drinks were flowing, plus everybody was enjoying themselves.
I had a fire going in the fireplace too, plus a lot of people were gathered around the fireplace having the best of times. Well, when the furnace quit working, my friend said she would go check it out. I was too busy with the guests plus I told him to go ahead. I didn’t hear from my associate for a little too long plus I decided to go check on him. When I was approaching the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit, I saw my buddy’s drink spilled on the floor plus then I saw him on the floor passed out. I shook him to see that she would wake up. She came to however she was particularly out of it. I asked him what happened plus then she explained. She said that she opened the cupboard to the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C to check everything out. She started tinkering around with the inner workings plus then she got a drastic electric jolt that went through her whole body. She said it knocked him back plus her drink went flying. She said she must have hit her head pretty taxing because it hurt badly plus she was passed out for all that time. I told him not to mess with the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C again because I would just have a professional take care of it asap. She apologized plus said she thought she could help.