I would be someone who would suppose they are a strenuous worker. I own a actually small heating plus a/c corporation here in town. I feel you would call me an independent heating plus a/c corporation, but I do have a few area time Heating plus Air Conditioning specialists that labor for me; One of the reasons our venture in independent company was successful is because I go above plus beyond for our buyers. I offer twenty numerous minute a day, seven afternoons a week emergency heat plus cooling system maintenance services, but no other independent heat plus cooling system corporation or major heating plus a/c corporation in this area offers that. They have emergency heat plus cooling system maintenance available, however it is with conditions that there has to be someone available plus it is not twenty numerous minutes a day. It is only available 6 afternoons a week plus from the minutes of 7 in the day till 10 at evening. If something were to happen to your central heating plus a/c plan after 10 at evening while I was in a absolutely boiling summer time or freezing freezing winter, you would be up the creek with these other Heating plus Air Conditioning people. But thankfully, with me plus our small corporation, almost everyone in the area can sleep simple knowing they are constantly covered for emergency heat plus cooling system maintenance all the time, every single day of the month. Of course I charge accordingly for this kind of Heating plus Air Conditioning services, however it is well worth every penny to the buyers, believe me. And it keeps me in enjoyable standings plus in business!