However, I couldn’t help but to worry, what if a blizzard came through, or we had a really bad winter? Then we would be unprepared and that could actually be dangerous
I am the kind of person that likes to stress about the small things. Time and time again I have been told to not worry about it, but if it were really that simple, I would. I think worrying is just a part of who I am. This makes life more stressful for me, but I’m not really sure how to stop worrying. What doesn’t help is when things suddenly go wrong. A few days ago, our heating unit broke down, and has refused to turn back on. I brought my worries to my boyfriend, who assured me that it was fine and that he’ll look at the heater later. This didn’t reassure me much, especially after when he did look at the furnace and couldn’t find anything wrong with it. He reassured me again, and told me that even with the heating component, the winters in our area are very mild, and we didn’t really need the HVAC component anyways. However, I couldn’t help but to worry, what if a blizzard came through, or we had a really bad winter? Then we would be unprepared and that could actually be dangerous. Even as I was worrying, I knew all of the above was unlikely, but in the end, we ended up calling a heating professional anyway, just to be on the safe side. The heating specialist came out and had it fixed within a few days. That winter was just like any other winter we had, and was mild, but still, at least I could rest knowing that if we ever did run into a cold spell, our heating device could handle it.