I guess that we are going to have to provide up and call in a professional Heating, Ventilation, and A/C specialist to help us out in our fantastic room, however both of us have been having all kinds of issues in the fantastic room because of the fact that we have these immense windows in the fantastic room, then the windows face out the back of the room toward the ravine that is out past our backyard.
The unfortunate thing is that the windows face back toward the west and so whenever the sun starts going down, the fantastic room actually starts heating up.
The view is actually nice and so we don’t actually want to put curtains over the windows and mess up the view, i don’t actually guess what to do about it, so I guess I’m going to call up the local heating and air conditioner contractor to see what they guess that I should do. I am wondering if we should try and get another kind of heating and cooling plan recognizably for the fantastic room. I guess that sometimes people get these Heating, Ventilation, and A/C units called ductless mini split air conditioners, however apparently, with these Heating, Ventilation, and A/C units, you don’t have to run extra ductwork to the room that you are trying to heat and cool. I don’t want to mess up the attractive beams and the ceilings in the fantastic room with a bunch of ugly Heating, Ventilation, and A/C ductwork. I don’t want to spend a fortune on updating the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system, however we actually have to do something about the yellowhouse effect that’s going on in the fantastic room.