I explained to them that I came across this voucher for a free heat and a/c unit tune up and check up and asked if it was valid or if it was super old
I had bought a used jacket from a thrift shop recently, and when I got it home and was about to put it in the wash, I discovered a neat little find within the deep pocket of the jacket. It was a voucher for our local heating and air conditioning company to get a free HVAC tune up and check up! I figured that this thing had to have been real old and no longer valid. However, it did not have a date on it, so I decided to not throw it out. About a week later I remembered I had found this voucher for the free HVAC tune up and check up and decided to call the heating and air conditioning company that it was from. I explained to them that I came across this voucher for a free heat and a/c unit tune up and check up and asked if it was valid or if it was super old. This heating and air conditioning company has been around for over 30 years, so it was unknown how old this voucher was. They asked me a few questions about the voucher and it turned out that it was actually only a year old and still very valid! I was over the sky with glee cause of this! I was wanting to get my central heating and air conditioning system tuned up but have not had the few hundred bucks to spare. Now, I can get a free HVAC tune up and check up because of this bonus found in a thrift store purchase of a used jacket!